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The parallel edge wing blades have been modified by 4 times Australian wild water champion Steve Muir to enhance their entry to the water and provide improved balance throughout the stroke.
Parallel wing paddles come in 3 blade sizes
Small 15.5 cm wide by 46 cm long.
Medium 16.5 cm wide by 48 cm long.
Large 17 cm wide by 52 cm long.
Available in fibreglass or carbon construction.
Available in one piece or two piece with Kajak Sport connector.
Weights 790 to 1000 gm.

Kajak Sport Shaft ferrule (Joiner) is world leading paddle shaft adjuster made of hi-tech plastic. This universal ferrule unit is well known from the quality and operation. Kajak Sport Ferrule unit is the finest shaft adjuster solution for free feather and length adjustment on the market.
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